1.) Hair Treatments
These products can significantly improve the appearance of the hair as most hair treatment products contain ingredients that stimulate the hair follicles to regenerate hair re-growth. It is a very wise approach to pick the natural ones or the products that provide natural components. Example of such is Leimo. Leimo is extremely efficient because this product has the leading natural ingredient that is Saw palmetto. Saw palmetto aids the hair by inhibiting the production of DHT in the scalp hence; it also promotes healthy hair re-growth.
2.) Laser Treatments
This offers hair restoration without the touch of any surgeries. A low level laser therapy or LLLT can efficiently stimulate the blood supply to the scalp, making the hair follicles more vigorous in receiving essential nutrients. This technique is also useful in conjunction with other products like topical serums or medications in order to acquire optimal results.
3.) Medications
Medications like minoxidil (rogaine) and finasteride (propecia) are both DHT blockers. These medications are proven to be effective in battling hair loss most specifically the so-called male pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia. Both minoxidil and finasteride can halt hair loss and can potentially promote hair re-growth especially on the top or crown area and in rare instances at the hairline as well. Men and women can both benefit from the minoxidil treatment as there are distinct designed concentrations for each gender. 5 percent concentration of minoxidil is intended for men and the 2 percent is made for women. Finasteride on the other hand is strongly prohibited in women because this drug causes severe birth defects in male fetuses. An example of side effects of minoxidil is itchy scalp. Finasteride causes sexual dysfunction and testicular pain.
4.) Hair Transplantation
Hair transplantation is a surgical technique that involves moving of the skin containing hair follicles from one part of the scalp or the donor site to the balding areas or the recipient site. This procedure is also done to restore eyebrows, eyelashes, and the beard areas. However, not all hair loss sufferers get a hair transplant as this requires a lot of money and can cost them as much as $5,000 to $20,000.
Find out how to STOP hair loss efficiently by clicking HERE