Friday, July 29, 2011

What to Do with Male Hair Loss

Of course, men are not immune to the problem of hair loss either. Male pattern baldness caused by genetic factors can be a natural sign of aging for many men. However, lifestyle factors can exacerbate the problem.

“Young men often experience hair loss due to stress, pollution and heavy smoking and drinking,” Ivonne, manager of the Kerastase line of salon products, states.

Actor Nicolas Saputra, 27, said his busy lifestyle has caused him to experience premature hair loss.

“I have a very sensitive scalp,” he said. “It often becomes a serious problem when I’m traveling. Change of water quality and temperature irritates my scalp and causes hair loss.”

Nicolas said the problem escalated three years ago when he started working as a video show host, a position that required him to travel to many different countries.

“I was often dismayed when I saw tufts of hair floating on the bathroom floor after taking a shower,” he said.

Ivonne recommended that those concerned about their level of hair loss should consult a specialist at a salon.

“Everyone has their own unique hair type and condition,” she said.

“It has to be treated accordingly to minimize hair loss.”

Hair specialists use a magnifying instrument to examine the density of the hair follicles and the condition of the scalp.

According to Ivonne, a pore on a healthy scalp usually contains two or three hairs.

“When a pore contains only one hair, we know we have a serious problem,” she said.

Once the hair type and condition has been determined, treatment can begin using special shampoos and tonics. Some products are enhanced with glucolipids—made of fats, carbohydrates and glucose—to optimize nutrition distribution from the roots to the ends for stronger, healthier hair. Others can be used to stimulate thicker hair growth.

Intensive treatment can take from two to six months, depending on the severity of the problem.

Nicolas chose to seek help at a Kerastase salon, using their new line of hair loss treatments. He said he gradually started to notice an improvement.

“I still travel a lot these days, but I don’t suffer from the same problem anymore,” he said.

The products can be expensive, but Nicolas said for him, it’s worth it.

“I believe that healthy hair signifies good health, a healthy lifestyle and a great personality,” he said.

Four Simple Steps to Keeping Your Hair Healthy

Prevention is always better than cure. While no one can escapes the ravages of age, everyone can improve the condition of their hair by choosing to lead a healthier life. Ivonne Vania shared some useful tips for preventing hair loss:

1. A well-balanced diet. “Some women choose to avoid carbs and fats to get slim,” Ivonne said. “But their hair will suffer because of it. We all need a well-balanced diet to have healthy hair and scalp.”

2. Avoid alcoholic drinks and cigarettes.

3. Get enough sleep. “When we sleep, our hair rejuvenates and recovers from the stresses of the day,” Ivonne said. “Sleep also stimulates healthy hair growth.”

4. Regular exercise. “Regular exercise promotes good circulation, providing much-needed nutrition for your hair,” she shares.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

7 Hair Loss Treatments You Can Do at Home

Thinning hair is a sign of aging, giving a person a constant cause of distress. As nobody wants to lose their youth, vitality and attractiveness, homemade hair loss treatments are there to prevent hair loss. Homemade hair loss remedies can be as effective as salon treatments and cost you considerably less. So take a minute and mix up a recipe to make your hair look healthy and shiny.

1. Do not change shampoos, colors or conditioners frequently. Use only those which suit your hair. Buy the hair care products after reading the labels carefully, as harmful chemical ingredients will lead to excessive hair loss. Wash your hair with lukewarm water and dry the hair very carefully.

2. Coconut oil, amla oil and fenugreek seeds all help to stop dandruff and strengthen your roots. Fenugreek seeds can be ground into a paste-like substance and used as a massage tool for controlling dry scalp, dandruff and it promotes the increase of blood circulation. You’ll find this natural herb contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, niacin and vitamin C—all necessary nutrients for faster growth of your hair.

3. You can reduce hair loss and prevent dandruff by using the herb hibiscus on your scalp. Drop some hibiscus leaves, lime juice, and lemon juice into a pot of boiling water. Allow the mixture to cool and then apply it to your scalp before you shampoo your hair.

4. Blend almond oil, honey and hair conditioner to create a treatment for frizzy hair. Leave the mixture on the hair for 20 minutes and then rinse it out.

5. Hair growth supplements available in the market should be taken under the guidance of a physician, as they may cause some side effects. Vitamins for hair growth can help to regrow hair fast. You can get the maximum hair growth possible through the use of these things. On top of that, you’ll be able to avoid things like high price tags, side effects and various other things that usually come along with most treatments on the market.

6. Saw palmetto is an effective treatment for women and men who have androgenic alopecia, one of the most common causes of hair loss. This condition is linked to the production of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Saw palmetto lowers the levels of DHT in the body allowing the strands to grow back.

7. Make your own hot oil treatment. To deeply condition your hair, use a homemade hot oil treatment at least twice a month. Mix warm olive oil and soybean oil and place on your hair. Leave on for 10 to 15 minutes and then shampoo the mixture out.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hair Growth Solutions for Male Pattern Baldness

Aside from the several medical cures, there are numerous safe herbal supplements which can be used as great male hair growth solutions, particularly if you are dealing with a pattern hair loss. However, if you are noticing sudden hair loss, it’s vital for you to note that this abrupt and harsh loss of hair might be caused by sudden toxicity, acute stress, or even body poisoning brought about by toxic metals. It’s always beneficial to rule out the causes of hair loss prior to taking any medicine for hair growth for men.

For many years now, stress has been linked with hair loss of men. When you experience extreme stress attacks, your body tends to elicit immense amount of protein, minerals, and vitamins when you urinate. Stress also increases the level of cortisol production in your body. The increased hormone cortisol coming from your adrenal glands trigger both hair loss and bone loss. When you visit a doctor, saliva testing will be performed. When cortisol is elevated, the doctor will give you a medicine to neutralize it. At present, this medication has been 100% effective for hair growth for men.

Toxicity due to chemicals from a variety of sources can lead to hair loss. These include thallium compounds, chemotherapy, and other medications. When looking for hair growth products for men, you should not fail to consult a doctor or pharmacist.

If you are looking for some tips for male hair growth, this article will provide you some fast tricks in growing your hair back. But before anything else, it’s critical for you to determine what the chief cause behind your hair loss is. This will enable you to select the most efficient treatment products for hair loss in the market today.

There are several natural substances that can be utilized to assist the body in producing hormones naturally. You can consider green tea male hair growth products because of their augmented polyphenol level. The herbal components in the green tea enclose a suite of the key factors that have been proven to impede DHT from causing damage to the hair follicle.

Your testosterone is also recognized to be one of the factors for male pattern baldness, specifically when Dihydrotestosterone receptors are too elevated. You can purchase natural DHT blockers for this problem.

Severe hair loss can be due to nutritional and hormonal factors or even because of sluggish toxicity level. When your body is full of toxins, they get in the way of the hormonal substances as well as nutrients that facilitate hair growth. Some of these body wastes can obstruct your glands’ functions and even dent your hair follicles.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Ayurvedic Treatment: Holistic and Efficient Treatment for Hair Loss

Increasing awareness of effective homeopathic and Ayurvedic treatments to hair loss will help many people suffering from alopecia to find relief. Ayurvedic doctors have known for centuries that bone and hair are essentially grown from the exact same tissue. An imbalance in the doshas—causing too much of one dosha and not enough of the other—can result in symptoms of alopecia, or baldness.

Of the three doshas, pitta is the one most responsible for thinning tresses. It can also be held responsible for premature graying of an individual’s locks. Luckily there are a host of natural remedies that can be used in combination to alleviate symptoms. These remedies include massage, diet modification, yoga, meditation, herbal remedies and aromatherapy. People who drink a third of a cup of aloe vera juice three times a day for three months have reported improvements in luster and thickness.

Measure off about one-third cup of aloe vera juice or mix a tablespoon of this gel with some cumin and ingest it daily for a period of three months. This will help to reduce the amount of pitta found in the follicle and will promote healthy regrowth. In combination with this treatment, gently massage coconut oil into your scalp each evening before retiring to bed.

Vitamin E oil massaged into the scalp has also proven effective at reducing thinning hair. Each morning you should eat a small amount of white sesame seeds, as one handful of these tiny seeds are packed with 1,200 milligrams of magnesium and calcium. These minerals are vital for healthy skin and nails. Also begin to include a daily dose of yogurt into your diet.

Iron is vital for cellular growth and can be included in the diet by ingesting dried fruit and by drinking cherry juice. Silica also adds an important component to your diet and can be found in raw oats and the outer skins of potatoes, bell pepper and cucumbers. Eat more dark leafy vegetables to boost the effects of silica.

As anemia is a leading cause of poor rejuvenation of the follicles, be sure to eat plenty of red meat, dates, eggs, raisins and whole grains. Eat yogurt and take supplemental acidophilus to balance the stomach acids and intestinal flora to ensure good digestion. Raising your intake of B vitamins has also been proven to reduce gray hair and to restore your thick mane.

Include soy protein in your diet and add low-fat cheese, tofu, eggs, fish, beans, brewer’s yeast and soy beans to your dishes. To increase Vitamin A, so vital for healthy cells, begin including flax seed oil, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, peanuts, pine nuts, millet and turnips in your regular meals. Additions like honey and mulberries will help to correct any thyroid imbalances.

Other helpful remedies include massaging jojoba oil, coconut oil, lavender, grapefruit, thyme or rosemary oils into the scalp and hair. The massaging action will improve the blood circulation in the skin, helping to increase the delivery of oxygen and nutrients while helping the body to eliminate toxins as effective homeopathic and Ayurvedic treatments to hair loss.